BOOK PARK CLUB / Book Park Club 2024 
BOOK PARK CLUB / Book Park Club 2024 
BOOK PARK CLUB / Book Park Club 2024 

BOOK PARK CLUB / Book Park Club 2024 

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Book PARK CLUB is a limited-time event from Hiroshima that was held for the first time in 2022 with the desire to create a bookstore that is inspired by unique books in the center of Hiroshima, where bookstores are decreasing.


3,000 rare and stimulating books that are hard to meet in Hiroshima Prefecture, such as 34 unique small and medium-sized publishers nationwide, 9 independent bookstores inside and outside the prefecture, which are gaining popularity in their own style, and the first Korea Little Press, etc. Books are gathered.


We will also develop a selection corner where 100 people related to Hiroshima, which was very popular last year, are lined up. The theme this time is "The book I read in my heart."


"ZINE JIN CLUB", which focuses not only on reading and buying but also "making" will be held for the first time. "ZINE" is a product made because nobody asks, but I want to make it myself. This is a new project to create and sell such ZINE together with the printing professional group "Insatsubit".


Make a book and don't miss 18 days when you make a book! 

BOOK PARK CLUB / Book Park Club 2024 

2024/10/04 (Fri.)  - 2024/10/21 (Mon.) 

BOOK PARK CLUB / Book Park Club 2024 

Hiroshima PARCO