"Osanzu Love" is a series drama starring Kei Tanaka, which was broadcast on the TV Asahi series "Saturday Night Drama" frame.
A 33-year-old man, Soichi Haruta, who is played by Tanaka, but is not well-motivated, surrounds them, mainly in love media that begins when the boss, Musashi Kurosawa (Kotaro Yoshida), who hides too pure a girlish girl's heart, and Ryota Maki (Kotoki Hayashi), who lives together.
This drama has become a big topic through SNS since the beginning of the broadcast, and the last episode 6 and the last episode 7 ranked No. 1 in the world trend on Twitter, and the official book released on August 7 exceeded 150,000 copies of the first edition. It is a super topic drama that caused many social phenomena.
<Staff Cast>
Screenplay: Koji Tokuo, Director: Ruto Ichiro, Daisuke Yamamoto, Yuki Saito Performers: Kei Tanaka, Kaito Hayashi, Rio Uchida, Daichi Kaneko, Shuko Ito, Hidekazu Majima, Nene Otsuka, Kotaro Yoshida
●Spring drama of the 22nd Daily Sports Drama Grand Prix (GP)
Assistant Actor Award (Kamito Hayashi), Assistant Actress Award (Rio Uchida)
●The 12th Confidential Award Drama Award
Work Award, Assistant Actor Award (Kotaro Yoshida)
●The 97th The Television Drama Academy Award
Best Work Award (Osanzu Love), Best Actor Award (Kei Tanaka), Assistant Actor Award (Kotaro Yoshida), Screenplay Award (Koji Tokuo), Director Award (Ruto Ichiro, Daisuke Yamamoto, Yuki Saito), The Television Award (Instagram "Musashi's Room")
<Broadcast time>
TV Asahi affiliate
Broadcast from April 21 to June 2, 2018 every Saturday from 23:15 to 0:00 the following day